Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Simple Entertaining- Entertaining in a jiffty

It's nice to have guests, but it's nicer if we can entertain with minimum time and effort. One clever way to do so is to make good use of the crockpot or slow cooker.

Once we get the main dish done in the slow cooker, the rest is really easy.
  • Cook pasta or rice

  • prepare a side dish (eg: roasted potatoes)

  • put a salad together

  • get ready a bottle of wine,

  • set the table (eg: candles with different heights as middle piece, see pic above)

and (drum roll), we are done!!

You can actually do a lot of dishes in the slow pot and beef stew is a very popular choice. There are many recipes out there, but I'll post one in the next post..
pic credits: potterybarn.com

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  1. Hola =)
    Hello !!! =)
    Bonjour !!! =)
    Ciao !!! =)

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