Thursday, December 15, 2011

Long Time No See/ Reunion Party Game: Animal Couples

This is quite hilarious, and sounds like a zoo!! Very fun!

Prepare cards with different animals.
Each animal should have 2 cards.
Each guest will receive a card with an animal.

Then, explain that the guests should make sounds of the animals when the game starts, and then find the other matching pair.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Simple Entertaining- Long time no see/ Reunion Party

It’s nice to catch up with friends you haven’t seen for ages, but when there’s a sizable group to catch up with, why not have a mini party for all? It’s a nice treat for everyone.

There will be lots of chit-chatting, so, make sure there are enough seats for everyone, and enough space for people to walk around mingling around. The best solution is still to have a simple buffet table, and let everyone focus on the conversations.

